


TOO EARLY FOR THE FUTURE: Reckoning with Tomorrow from the Present, TK

LURKING: How a Person Became a User, 2020
(Excerpts ran in Harper's, LitHub, and OneZero).

Essays, Stories, Journalism, Criticism:
(This list is ongoing as I continue to write and remember what I have written in the past).

Harold Cohen’s AARON, Yale Review
Notes from Inside the Apple Ecosystem, Filmmaker magazine

Authoring Your Life Story: On Self-Archiving and George Westren, Filmmaker magazine
Dedicated Moonlighters, NiemanLab
Invisible on the Interstate: On Amy Reid’s Long Haulers, Filmmaker magazine
Looking Towards 2043: The Worldbuilding Weekend of Experimental Realities, Filmmaker magazine
Turning Poetry into Art: On Large Language Models and the Poetry of Allison Parrish, Filmmaker magazine
A Museum for the Working Class, Dissent
Binge Watch: Silicon Valley Lifestyles on Screen, Filmmaker magazine

WPO, Terraform (Fiction)
The Rise and Fall of America Online, The Nation
Behind the Third Act, Filmmaker
Read Only Memory: On Chris Markers Immemory Project, Filmmaker magazine
Engineers, Artists, Both? On Bell Lab’s Pioneering Ken Knowlton, Filmmaker magazine
The Filter: What's Life Like for the Content Moderator?, The Nation
We Don’t Need Corporate Social Media, N/A

The Used Future, U-Joints: A taxonomy of connections (forthcoming)
Freedom as a Preset: Metaverses Past and Present, Filmmaker magazine
Crisis Text Line and the Silicon Valleyfication of Everything, Motherboard

Silicon Everywhere, The Reboot
Telemarketing: On the Art of Scam Calls, Dirty Furniture, Telephone Issue
The end of the Silicon Valley insider–critic, Nieman Lab
Uncanny Alleys, Technology Review
Catalog essay, A Section of Now; Canadian Centre for Architecture
Twilight of the Robots? Androids in Contemporary Cinema, Filmmaker magazine
Dial-up Connections: All About Lily Chou-Chou at 20, Filmmaker magazine
Meet Your Driver: Film, Gig Workers and Big Tech, Filmmaker magazine
The Other Horror in Zombie Movies, Filmmaker magazine
In Defence of Email, The Guardian
RIP Yahoo Answers – your eccentricity will be missed, The Guardian
Patricia Lockwood's Infinite Scroll, New York magazine
Isolation Mauve, Little Atlas of Colours

Ballard in the Rear View, Filmmaker magazine
Welcome to The Artists' Palette, Screensavers VR/Float Land (Fiction)
Newsrooms push back against Ivy League cronyism, Nieman Lab
To Understand Facebook Today, Read Its Earliest Critics, OneZero
Conceiving the Future: The Prescient Lynn Hershman Leeson, Filmmaker magazine
Quarantines and Future Dreams, Filmmaker magazine
7 Books About Cyberspace by Women Writers, Electric Literature
Digital Wanderlust: On Wim Wenders' Until the End of the World, Filmmaker magazine

The Newcomer, Failed States (fiction)
Inside Out Planets: NASA's Influence on Cinema's Visions of Outer Space, Filmmaker magazine
Glitches in the Matrix: Adventures in the CGI Wilderness, Filmmaker magazine
A Return to Blogs, Nieman Lab
Space Travel Will Get Banal - And Depressing, New York magazine
When 2019 Was the Future, Filmmaker magazine 
All the Work Without the Workers: Appreciating Sleep Dealer On Its Tenth Anniversary, Filmmaker magazine 
The Windshield and the Screen, Unthinking Photography, The Photographers' Gallery

Users, Noon (fiction)
Big Brother's Blind Spot, The Baffler
The Community of Everybody and Nobody, I Was Raised on the Internet, MCA Chicago
Building a digital hospice, Nieman Lab
Scenes from the New York Tech Zine Fair, Medium

After the Eclipse on Paragon Hill, Eclipsecore (Fiction)
Gatekeeping the Gatekeepers, Nieman Lab
Catalog essay, You May Also Like: Robert Stadler, Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau Brühlsche Terrasse
Space Travel Will Get Banal — And Depressing, New York magazine
The National Conversation: Clay Bavor, Amtrak's The National

Catalog essay, Olia Lialina's My Boyfriend Came Back From The War. Online since 1996, House of Electronic Arts (HeK) Basel
Contributor to the book, Jon Rafman's Nine Eyes, Fillip/New Documents
Listening to a Face, Unthinking Photography, The Photographers' Gallery
Catalog essay, Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald, SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frank­furt.
Catalog essay, Albertine Meunier, My Google Search History, the book: Volume 2

Why Do I Have to Call This App 'Julie'?, The New York Times
Faking, The Piracy Project Reader: Borrowing, Poaching…., The Piracy Project/AND Publishing
Catalog essay, Matthew Plummer-Fernandez at NOME Projects
Fear of Zero Bars, Haunted Machines
Human Networks, The Atlas of Contemporary Networks, IUAV Venice
Meet Half Cat, Cat is Art Spelled Wrong, Walker Art Center/Coffee House Press
Postcards from the Futch, The Message
Canned Email, The Message
Clothing as SOS, The Message
The Apple Watch is a Watch, The Message
Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road trial, and the quasi-fictions of internet culture, The Message


The influence of technology (on Mechanical Turk and digital labor), ICA (talk)
Facebook, edgerank, and users feeling like bots, Lift (talk)
Contributor to the book, Art and the Internet, Black Dog Publishing
The Dads of Tech (co-written with Astra Taylor), The Baffler
Dronism (co-written with Ingrid Burrington), Dissent
The Patriotic Face, Saturated Space/The Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.
Watching Foam Rise, Dirty Furniture 
The Junk Ships on Alibaba, Piracy Papers/AND Publishing (2012 essay republished)
The Internet of Things Will Ruin Birthdays, The Message (also republished and expanded in SQM: The Quantified Home, 2014)
Harassed by Algorithms, The Message
The Facebook Bully, The Message
Screenshots as POV, The Message
TTTT Exhibition catalog, Jerwood Space
Contributor to the book App Art, ZKM Center for Art and Media
Migraine aura illustrations as online folk art, The Message
Tiny Letters to the Web We Miss, The Message

Prêt à travailler: Workaholic Holograms, Domus
Look Inside, Frieze
Manning on Trial, Jacobin 
A Real Horrorshow, Hysterical Literature
O<, Internet of Dreams
Catalog essay, Maurice Carlin exhibition with Performance Publishing: Regents Trading Estate
Mirror with a Memory and a Blindspot, Medium

Selected 2012 & earlier
My Broken iPhone, Rhizome
In lifelogging, you find your statistical (and egotistical?) self, LA Times
Tacita Dean at the Turbine Hall, The Paris Review online
Lygia Pape: Magnetized Space at the Serpentine Gallery, Modern Painters
On the intricacies of Hollywood archaeology, Wired UK
Endless Archive, Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age Spazio Contemporanea
Overfutured, Free exhibition at The New Museum
Death of a Dystopian: The life and legacy of J.G. Ballard, Reason

And earlier....well, I'm still tracking stuff down. Wayback Machine for variations of my website over the years has a lot of it.